Employment Support

Work plays a vital part in a humans’ life. For an individual, employment is not only a source of financial income which often determines the quality of one’s lifestyle but is also an important feature in structuring: personal identity, social bonds, daily routines, feeling a sense of purpose, all whilst contributing to wider society (Jahoda 1981). 

The 2018/2019 Labour Force Survey (LFS) showed that work-related stress, depression or anxiety occurred among over 600,00 people (1,800 people per 100,000) workers in the UK. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that mental illness is also associated with high levels of presenteeism, when an employee experiences mental health symptoms and is underperforming but continues working (Wang et al., 2004; Harvey et al., 2011). It is important to note that people who experience symptoms are not always seeking medical help. Even if they do, they may not always automatically meet the diagnostic criteria. 

Support with Finding Work

Are you looking for your first job, heading into a new career direction or dreaming of starting a business? Perhaps you are not sure where to begin or have exhausted all the possibilities of job searching options. Maybe you feel anxious or have a voice in your head that tells you that you are not experienced or skilled enough to get where you’d like to. Om Balance Employment Support Therapy will guide you to overcome this as well as explore your unique gift that can be of value to the world. As a qualified Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Employment Support Consultant, Jurate is here to support individuals seeking to gain, retain or return to employment. Career consultancy is a unique journey and therefore is tailored to your professional and personal needs.

How can you be helped?

Support with Remaining and Returning to Work

Continuing to juggle your work-life balance whilst keeping your mental health intact can be a challenge. Whether you have been working since the beginning of the pandemic (from home or the workplace) or perhaps been on furlough or off sick and are preparing to return to work, it may be hard to adjust to the new ‘normal. However, it is essential to balance your mental health in stressful and uncertain times. This can be done through creating a Wellness Recovery Plan, which is a tool that helps manage mental health and well-being through implementing reasonable adjustments at work.

How can you be helped?

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Jahoda, M. (1981). Work, employment, and unemployment: Values, theories, and approaches in social research. American Psychologist, 36(2), 184–191. Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.36.2.184

Wang, P. S., A. L. Beck, et al. (2004). “Effects of major depression on moment-in-time work performance.” American Journal of Psychiatry 161(10): 1885-1891

Harvey, S. B., N. Glozier, et al. (2011). “Depression and work performance: an ecological study using web-based screening.” Occup Med (Lond) 61(3): 209-211